Sunday, November 6, 2011

Coexist Stickers and I Cannot Coexist

*Rant engaged*

I can't stand coexist stickers! You know, those little stickers you see everywhere on cars of self righteous people who think they're more progressive than close minded religious people? Those stickers betray such a lack of understanding for the nature of religion and a lot of naivety! Of course, their definition of "coexist" is leave me alone and don't make any moral judgements. Coexist stickers are the progressive and peace loving veils that these people hide their hedonism behind. They don't understand that "coexisting" in the sense that they understand it is simply an impossibility! The point of a religion is an organized system of thought about the fundamental properties of the universe. This implies exclusivity! There is no, "Yeah, I'm a Hindu but I borrow some ideas from Mormonism." Hindus believe that Mormons are wrong. Mormons believe Hindus are wrong. There is no "many paths to one god" about it. The very nature of religion draws sharp divisions between other schools of thought. You cannot compromise and live consistently with what you believe. That simply does not work.
A healthy dose of naivety is also needed to swallow this philosophical pill. Clearly, history has shown time and time again that this simply does not work. Humans, left to their own devices, will not choice peace over war. Until no division exists, then there will be no peace. Peace is impossible. The day when there will be no division is the day when our Lord casts His enemies into the Lake of Fire and His people live happily in the New Heaven and New Earth. Then, and only then, will their be peace. This peace will be eternal. True peace can only flow from God our Father. There is no peace in "not judging" (aka, no morals) or "not forcing your religion on me." This is just the sinful heart's way of thinly disguising it's selfish intentions in a facade of love. So, next time you see a Coexist sticker, ask yourself, what do they REALLY mean when they say those words? I guarantee it's not the perfect peace that proceeds from our Lord.

God Bless,


  1. I agree wholeheartedly. I'm wondering, what do you think about Christians who tell pagans that it's ok to be pagan. That the christain doesn't care what you believe in. I'm not talking about the Coexist stuff, but just saying that a christain says that he doesn't care... Not sure if you understand this...
    Another question, do y read my comments?

  2. Also, read your post out loud, their are a couple of mistakes in your post... I did that misspell on purpose. You made that same error in this post.

  3. Yes, I do read your comments Josiah. I hope you don't think that a don't read them, because I do. btw, thanks for the proof reading! I appreciate it. Sometimes I write in haste and my proof reading is cursory at best.
    In relation to your first post, I think that is wrong. To say, "Yeah, that's ok to believe that," is a lie and a lie that effects the eternal destiny of a soul! With the consequences so dire, we can't afford to mince words or skirt the issue. We must preach the Gospel and men's need for it and not shy away from that message. That's a really good question to ask.

  4. Google the capitalist bumper sticker. It's the direct opposite.
