Sunday, November 27, 2011

Kurt Vonnegut's 8 Rules of Short Story Writing

1. Use the time of a total stranger in such a way that he or she will not feel the time was wasted.
2. Give the reader at least one character he or she can root for.
3. Every character should want something, even if it is only a glass of water.
4. Every sentence must do one of two things—reveal character or advance the action.
5. Start as close to the end as possible.
6. Be a Sadist. No matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them—in order that the reader may see what they are made of.
7. Write to please just one person. If you open a window and make love to the world, so to speak, your story will get pneumonia.
8. Give your readers as much information as possible as soon as possible. To hell with suspense. Readers should have such complete understanding of what is going on, where and why, that they could finish the story themselves, should cockroaches eat the last few pages

I quibble with the last one, but Kurt Vonnegut sure knows more about story writing than I do.

God Bless,

Saturday, November 26, 2011

It's Too Late to Be Thinking...

Yeah, it's kind of late. I don't really have the mental capacity right now to write anything long. My suggestion to you would be to go to White Horse Inn's page ( ) I highly recommend their newest podcast called the Gospel of Pragmatism. In it, Mike Horton and Co. discusses the emphasis in American Christianity on experience and testimony. It is an interesting discussion on the relationship between truth and experience. Perhaps a little bit of John Keats is in order?

God Bless,

Friday, November 25, 2011

Sculpt the Earth

Do you ever just read about random stuff on the internet? Well, today, I decided to type "avant-garde" into wikipedia. Interesting article, but at the bottom there was a list of related articles. This list was composed of a long list of experimental art, music, and literary movements. I found this to be exceedingly interesting. However, the one that interested me the most was "land art." Land artists sculpt the earth to create works of art. Picture the Nazca Lines only more recent and generally having to do with geometric shapes. Cool right? That's what I thought too! Sounds like a beautiful and amazing medium of art! Now, I'm brainstorming on how to do it. The American River "wilderness" is very close to my house, perhaps that will be my canvas? Such new ideas really excite me! Google "land art" and enjoy some of these works for yourself.

Another idea that was planted in my mind is the concept of "mail art." Mail art is the art of decorating envelopes, postcards, and custom "artistamps." Then, you send it through the postal system. Sounds like a fun way to make art and share it! The lines between normal people and artists are being blurred so normal people like me can partake in the joy of art!

It's come to my attention that I need more extracurricular activities to be attractive to colleges. So, I've been searching for things to do, ways to volunteer, and ways to take leadership. On Tuesday I applied to volunteer at the library (fun!! :D). I am planning to be a camp counselor over the summer; I want to get a job at some point next year or the year after that. Now I have my eye out for ways to improve my status in the eyes of universities. btw, I've also considered finally taking up Tai Chi. I've always wanted to and I plan on finding a place to take classes for that...

Right now, I'm listening to a new band that I like called "From Atlantis." They're re-releasing their ep "Echoes and Answers" in a few days. It's really awesome! It's just typical post-hardcore, but I'm enjoying it quite a bit. Next to me is "Orthodoxy" by Chesterton, "Apocalypse Not!" by Bolch and Lyons, and "Liberty and Tyranny" by Mark Levin. My grandma made me promise to read "Liberty and Tyranny" so since she's coming for Christmas, I have decided to start now so as not to disappoint her.

I have not started on Part 3 of TIAOMEIAS because I need to sufficiently flesh out the next progression. However, I have been thinking about topics for a short story that I will write in one piece.

God Bless,

P.S. This month, my blog has had 46 hits from Russia. If you're in Russia and reading this, I appreciate your viewership!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

10 Questions Intelligent Christians Must Answer (Psst. I have answers!)

Watch this video before you read my post. Hopefully, it will make you a bit angry, but I also hope it gets you thinking. After you've watched it, feel free to read my answers.

1. Why won't God heal amputees?
First off, their argument that we need to "rationalize" is exactly paradoxical to what they want. They are assuming that we're wrong and so any attempt to, through our belief system, rationalize our beliefs means that we're making excuses. This is preposterous.
Second, I have to admit. This IS an interesting question. My "excuses" (:P) are these. God does not answer every prayer and God does not heal everyone. Absolutely, God is intimately involved in His children's lives, but often He uses very ordinary means. Sometimes, believers are not healed. It's all part of God's plan. Personally, I can't imagine what it must be like to be an amputee. However, God draws close to Christians who are in this situation. He draws close with His promises and love. Yes, maybe God does have a special plan for amputees. Who are you to plumb the mind of God? God is not a cosmic vending machine. Put in prayer, get out healing. That is not how He works.
2. Why are there so many starving people in the world?
The simple answer is the effects of sin. God created a perfect creation that fell with man in his act of rebellion. Now, we live in a world that is subject to decay and that is ruled by wicked men (aka, all of us.) This is why starving occurs. Starving is a lack of resources and, in almost all cases, is the product of tyranny and corrupt government. Why does God not hear their prayers? Many are not praying to God! Once again, God is not a cosmic vending machine nor does everybody have the ability or desire to commune with Him. The existence of evil and starving is not God's fault, but man's! The question "How can a loving God allow evil to exist" is age old and quite tiresome. Operating from within a biblical viewpoint (aka, reality), it involves some mystery, yes, but the Bible is also quite clear on the point. So, it makes logical sense. However, from a humanistic viewpoint, it makes no sense and cannot be accepted. So atheists sit smugly while we hand them truth and yet they cannot accept it because of their presuppositions about reality.
3. Why does God demand the death of so many innocent people in the Bible?
I hope this one really raised some red flags. Let's consider the verses that he points to. These are all from the justice system of the Israeli state that were instituted by God. Is God somehow not allowed to institute laws that He sees fit? Also, I would point to this covenant being fulfilled in Christ. This was a type and shadow of Christ's fulfillment of the covenant. As my teacher Mr. Uttinger would put it, the Jews were like kindergarteners with lots of rules. Now that the new covenant has been revealed, these rules have been simplified. We are "adults." The bottomline is that these are laws instituted by God and thus these people are not innocent. The only innocent person in the Bible to die is Jesus Christ.
Next, notice this quote, "It doesn't make any sense, does it? Why would a loving God want us to murder our fellow human beings over such trivial matters?" There are so many problems with this, I don't know where to begin. First, God's laws need not make sense to man's sinful mind. Second, just because He's loving, doesn't mean He isn't just. God isn't this fuzzy bunny rabbit in the sky. He is a righteous and just being. Third, it isn't murder if it is instituted by God and is justified. Last, and this is the main problem, these things are NOT trivial. God has instituted them and they violate His holiness. To call that trivial is blasphemy! I cannot stress how wrong this is! God's laws are many things, but trivial is not one of them.
4. Why does the Bible contain so much anti-scientific nonsense?
This question is stupid, because it doesn't. The Bible does not contradict Science. Where Science contradicts the Bible, it is wrong. Yes, miracles occurred, but they were just that, miracles. Miracles are a special act of God in His creation. God made the world! He can do anything He wants!
The things this video's creator lists? They all happened because the Bible says so and science does not contradict 6 day creation or a flood. Now, crap masquerading as science called the theory of evolution does, but that's fiction, not science.
5. Why is God such a proponent of slavery in the Bible?
The Bible was written at a time that slavery was a common and economic practice. People sold themselves into to slavery to pay debt and conquered peoples were placed into slavery. Now, to my knowledge, the Bible never portrays slavery as a good thing. It merely acknowledges it's existence and acts within a society where it is present. Clearly, the slavery of the South (what people think of when you say slavery) was wrong not for the simple fact that it was slavery, but it was morally wrong because of the racism, hatred, abuse, and hypocrisy that had become part of it. God uses slavery as a punishment for His people. Obviously, this is not being a proponent of it, but rather, acknowledging the sadness of such a state. It's not portrayed as something lovely, but it's portrayed in it's stark reality.
6. Why do bad things happen to good people?
Oh, the classic question. Will this question ever stop coming off the lips of snarky atheists? I doubt it because it once again allows them to curl up in their false presuppositions and thumb their noses at reality. This question largely hinges upon a misunderstanding of God and a misunderstanding of the word "good." No one is righteous. Not one. Therefore, the only bad thing to ever happen to a good person was the suffering Christ endured on earth. Now, by worldly standards of good, I can even explain this. God never promises that things will be lovely and rosy for His followers. In fact, just the opposite is promised! We must take up our cross and we are to expect to be hated and mocked. The prosperity Gospel is a lie. Being "good" doesn't earn you a nice life. Bad things happen to people for a variety of reasons. All are because God ordains them, but they tend to have a variety of reasons. One is that it's a logical outcome of their actions. Another is that God is teaching someone to trust Him or to come to Him or maybe even He is testing an individual. Ultimately, God makes the call and God's calls are the best calls. End of story.
7. Why didn't any of Jesus' miracles leave behind any physical evidence?
My initial answer would be that I am physical evidence of Christ's miracles. His work on the cross has effected a real and physical change in, not only me, but Christians through all time. The more practical (from a rationalistic point of view) is that the nature of the miracles themselves would not leave evidence. (Other than the Bible, of course. :P) Miracles like healing a sick man or giving sight to the blind would not leave behind physical evidence. These men would later go on to die. Clearly, we can't tell what happened to them in these respects based on their bones. What are you looking for? A newspaper article? Take it from the men who were there and just read the Gospels.
8. How do we explain the fact that Jesus has never personally appeared to you?
Because he never said he would. Again, prayer is not a token we put into the God machine and we receive something we asked for. Christ never said he would appear to me, thus I do not expect him to. Plus, who am I test God and order Him to come down and present Himself to me? That's unfaithful and incredibly arrogant.
9. Why would Jesus want you to eat his body and drink his blood?
Well, this is another question born of a poor understanding of Scripture. Jesus DOESN'T want me to eat his body and drink his blood. Cannibalism is wicked. Christ was using this imagery figuratively to explain His death. He was instituting a sacrament whereby we may commune with him. We partake only through faith.
10. Why do Christian get divorced at the same rate as Non-Christians?
Now, I would really like to see where he got this statistic. I admit that divorce takes place in the church, but I find it highly improbable that it takes place at the same rate as non-Christians. How come I don't know more divorced Christians? Also, the real power of God is present with His people and thus would not allow this to happen. However, Christians do get divorced. Christians are still humans and they are still works in progress. Christians sin and they still make mistakes. But, the point is that they are not bound to sin and that they are being guided by God in a sanctifying process.

I hope that this interested you immensely and it prepared you to give a defense of your faith.

God Bless,

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Christopher Hitchens as the next St. Augustine? Only By God's Grace

Perhaps you've heard the name of Christopher Hitchens? Yes, that famed "antitheist" (not atheist) who is not only a witty and articulate man, but also currently suffering from cancer. I only pray that his cancer and, in his own words, his "lucky if I only live another 5 years," realization will put life in perspective. Perhaps God is grabbing Mr. Hitchens by the shoulders and shaking him? I pray this is the case. Clearly, Mr. Hitchens is a brilliant man who understands non-Christian thought and fights for it in an incredibly intelligent manner. Now, with his cancer, perhaps God is using this? God can use anything to bring us back to Him. Indeed, Mr. Hitchens was raised in a nominally Christian home and went to a Christian school. Maybe God planted a seed? It would be beautiful if this seed blossomed into a brilliant apologist for the Christian Faith. His story brings St. Augustine to mind. Augustine used his brilliant oration and sharp mind to fight against Christian thought. Once God brought him back, then St. Augustine understood pagan thought and was thus empowered to battle the Lord's enemies even more effectively! Maybe this is only wishful thinking. Mr. Hitchens has hardened his heart so much, however nothing is impossible for the Lord. It would be an amazing victory for the Lord if Mr. Hitchens was brought into the fold. Let's pray for his salvation and for his health to be restored.

God Bless,

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Part 2

Part 2

A sharp grinding noise fills the air as the massive wire gates open to permit my entrance into the main grounds of the compound. The tiny iron rhombi quiver as the fences drag across the ground. This noise carves its name into my brain. A tiny signature that remains permanently. Blink. I am normal. My car accelerates through the chasm between the two gates into the parking garage. Long rows of cars. Stretching out like a sea before me. One spot is open. Awash amidst a sea of steel, one open spot beckons me. I park in it.

353 steps. Yes. That is how many steps there are from the parking garage up to the main block of the sanitarium. The main offices are in the front. With finesse, I navigate their treacherous waters, making sure not to be ensnared by any friendly or talkative peers. I am politely greeted by the other employees, but their greetings are ignored. Barriers between us are being hastily formed within my mind and upon my face. Soon, they will learn. Instead, I quicken my pace and lengthen my stride. Another 278 steps. Then, I stop. I am face to face with a white door with a tiny window. This is the entrance to my wing. It is my charge. It is my kingdom. A blast of cold air hits my face as I enter a long hall. A vast, quiet, empty void. On all sides it is lined with cells occupied by slumbering lunatics. These are my citizens. Here in my white tile kingdom. Tile.

The silence that fills these halls is entirely deafening to my ears. This was unacceptable. With a slight twitch of the corner of the mouth, I proceeded to open my jaw and scream. A million invisible clones screamed back in my face. They took flight through every cell and wall in the entire block of cells. With pleasure, I see the eyes of my citizens opening their eyes wide. Their matted hair and horrific visages focus upon me as they join in the chorus. These beasts rattle their cages and wail as their lungs force their air through their throats. This cacophonic symphony is music unto my ears. No silence to scar my mine with its purity. Just the unending signature of chaos and suffering.

Then, with a royal stride, I survey my kingdom. Upon a close examination, my block contains a total of 17 inmates. My block contains 20 cells and yet houses only 17 men. This is a source of disappointment to me. I will be diligent to see that those other three cells be filled. Upon resuming my old place at the head of the hall, I addressed my kingdom. Only one man in the back babbled endlessly through my oration.

“My citizens!” booms my voice down the tile Kingdom. “Today a new dynasty has instituted itself into Block 6C. Your old master has been deposed and my masters have seen it fit to put you in my charge. My position of authority demands your respect. I will not tolerate disrespect. This block will be run with clockwork efficiency. Is this entirely clear? Of course it is. Today, I will meet with each one of you in The Room at the end of the hall. This will be a simple meet and greet. For now.” With these words, I stride at breakneck speed to the door at the end of the hall and slam it. Once the sound of the echo dies away, only faint babbling disturbs the pure silence.

God Bless,


Monday, November 21, 2011

Lay Out a Fleece? Repeat Gideon's Mistake?

In a study of Christ's temptation, the second temptation can very well be a mystery. Clearly, since Satan himself is offering it, Christ must resist. However, there is something deeper going on here that is easy to miss. Satan quotes Scripture to Christ to show that it was lawful. Indeed, his actions were lawful! However, as Paul says, "All things are lawful for me but not all are helpful." The temptation being placed before Christ was to test the promises of God. Would God deliver on all the things He said He would do? God had said these things concerning you, now how about putting it to the test? Perhaps a common Christian cliche would be to say "lay out a fleece." This brings me to my subject. Why do Christians say this? It honestly baffles me. If you feel God may be leading you somewhere but you really aren't sure, should you, as some would say, lay out a fleece? I would point out that the answer to this question is complicated. As a Christian, we can't always be entirely sure where God is leading us. That is part of following God and trusting Him. We know that God has command of the tiniest detail of History, but "laying out a fleece" is just a sign of a lack of trust in God. There is a difference between not knowing exactly where God is taking you and trusting that He knows what he's doing. The origin of this phrase is due to a lack of understanding of the Bible. It originates from the story of Gideon laying out a fleece before God. Now, this wasn't an honorable thing! This wasn't Gideon's finest hour! Gideon was suffering from a lack of trust in God and his needing a fleece is not a monumental act of the Christian Faith. Is this where we want to get a phrase that is considered sound advice? Let me briefly add that Gideon was a great man and yet human. He suffered from our human frailties. But, should we coin a common Christian cliche of his failings as sound advice? I would like to assert that this should not be the case. Trusting God is hard but laying out a fleece should not be our answer. The Word of God is our answer. If God has chosen a path for you He will open and close doors. God will make it clear. Sometimes it's simply our sin that blinds our eyes to God's blatant will.

God Bless,

P.S. Sorry about not posting over the weekend. I was just relaxing. I'm still working on part 2 of TIAOMEIAS. Hope to have that up sometime this week and I have some other topics written out that I would like to address.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Incredible Account of My Employment in a Sanitarium

Part 1

Pure silence on white tile. Tile. Tile. A spotless white covers the walls. Upon it rests a mathematical grid of grout. The walls mirror the purity of the silence. Slowly, my eyes begin to trace the grout grid. Angles. Lines. Vertices. Then the faint whir of an air conditioner kicks in. The hypnotic hum lulls my drowsy mind. Until, I hear the pounding of the clock. My eyes race to locate the source. They fix upon a small white clock camouflaged amongst the tile. Tile. So much tile. Harder and harder it pounded. Blinded by billions of tiles and assaulted by the sound of ticking. Hammering harder into my skull, the tiny wall clock becomes a church bell and consumes my consciousness.

Then, the door clicks open. It’s a wonder that I heard the tiny noise over the roar of the ticking reverberating through my brain. That simple noise ripped me violently from my intense reverie. Silence again. Relief. Footsteps mar the silence and echo through the room as a man in a suit jackets enters. Only the sound of his footsteps dance off the walls as he seats himself opposite me. Our gazes meet. Immediately, he wavers and breaks the connection. He decides to shuffle papers in his hands instead. He nervously clears his throat before speaking.

“Mr…” (he squints at the paper in his hand. He needs glasses.) “…. um…. Mr. Forsythe? Charles Forsythe is it?” he finally manages to say.

I nod in approval. Not expecting this reaction, the woefully blind man again chooses to shuffle his papers. Up until this point, my brain cells had been priming themselves to cleverly meet the inquisition, but it was clear that this would be no interrogation. Indeed, it was hardly an interview. It seemed more like an awkward formality. You would not find a more qualified man for the job. The blind man spoke more awkward words and asked more vague questions to which I gave satisfactory answers. I will not suffer you the words this boorish man spoke to me. Suffice to say, he left the white room in a terrible hurry. Not unlike a bird freed from it’s cage.

Again, I sat and waited. With a thump, the air conditioner proceeded to shut itself off. Silence once again descended upon the tiny white room. Soon, my eyes began to ache from the intense glare of the tiles. Those tiles. I rub my eyes and close them for a moment. In the darkness, the door opens behind me. Opening one eye, I see another taller and more intelligent looking man enter. His business-like air prompts me to rise to meet his outstretched hand, which he shakes with an uncommon vigor.

“Mr. Forsythe, I want to congratulate you. We’ve decided to offer you the position. I hope you’ll accept it. We’d be lucky to have you, sir.” He was clearly flattering me, but I didn’t care. I had gotten the position. Upon accepting it, he respectfully escorted me to the gates and gave me instructions for my commencement.

Walking back to my apartment, I took a short reprieve on a park bench. There I smoked my pipe and absorbed the diversity of activity within the park. Finally, my mind’s vast scope narrowed to a point and considered what I would encounter in my new occupation. Many fanciful notions filled my head of men screaming, rambling, and mutilating themselves. Though this would indeed be present, I did not have the capacity to consider the incredible nature of those individuals which one does not believe to exist in such an environment.

Comments? I am currently writing part 2. I'm also brainstorming an idea for a story to enter the ACSI contest this year. Gotta make it good...

God Bless,

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Sorry to Disappoint

Yes, sorry to disappoint. I don't have the time tonight for an in depth theme to pursue. I have memorization I need to do this evening. However, I have finished the first brief section of my story and I will be posting it tomorrow. The title of my work will be "The Incredible Account of My Employment in a Sanitarium." I may choose to change the title if a sufficiently better one pops into my mind. But for now, that is it. I will attempt to post sections of it as I finish them, but they will not be consecutive. I'm going to set a goal for one section a week. So, I'll try to hold myself to it. Hope you have a good evening and I hope you will enjoy the first installment tomorrow!

God Bless,

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Welcome to Church. Wait. This Is a School.

America solving the problem of religion in school? Yeah. Like THAT'S gonna happen. They always say that the first step to solving a problem is admitting that you have one. Publics schools have yet to do this. Those up in arms fighting religion (aka Christianity) in public schools under the guise of the separation of church and state need to realize the menace that is lurking undetected in our schools. Oh wait. That's their religion... Oh. Then it must be ok.
Clearly, the public schools would like us to believe that they are a sanctuary of unbiased thinking. There cannot be a more blatant lie. The institution that daily teaches most of our children and teens is BRAINWASHING your child. gasp! Did I just use the word brainwash? Brainwashing only applies to religious groups like Christians! Common misconception. Any form of education is brainwashing. You have to be teaching from a specific point of view or else it's not a coherent system of knowledge. So really, my "controversial statement" was quite obvious and mundane. Anyways, the point is that public schools clearly teach a humanistic, atheistic, and evolutionist point of view. This, in and of itself, is a religion. Everyone has a religion. They have to worship somebody.
Human beings can never be neutral. You cannot serve God and (insert personal idol here.) The public school system will never "solve" the problem of religion in education because it's physically impossible. Public schools worship man in their thinking and brainwash the masses, who don't know better, to think this way too. We're raising a generation of socialist evolutionists and a majority of them don't even know it. To me, the prospects appear bleak. I don't see Christianity gaining widespread popularity in the public schools nor do I see public schools abandoning humanistic thinking. And yet, the need for an education for the underprivileged is still present. I'm not smart enough to come up with a solution for this catch-22. I hope some men who are much smarter than me can though.

I've been thinking about writing a story and posting sections of it here on the blog. I've got the general story arch going but I need a title and I need to channel my inspiration correctly. I also need to get over my laziness and sit down to write it. I've got some work to do, but I hope that it will be a good story. I'll let you know when the first section is coming.

God Bless,

Monday, November 14, 2011

"An Eye for an Eye? How cruel!" - I Find Your Reaction Odd...

"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind." ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Isn't that sweet? Yes, Gandhi was truly a peace loving man. I also preface my thoughts with the fact that I agree with Gandhi. However, I feel that the wording and context of this common quote has aided to perpetuate a false idea about Christianity in our society. Clearly, "an eye for an eye" is from Jesus' sermon on the mount. When people hear this quote they immediately curse Christianity and it's harsh and heartless people. "How can they think that? That's so barbaric" they mutter to themselves. It saddens me to see how prevailing this thinking is and, for once, non-Christians have something right. Revenge is wrong. The Bible says so and somehow even non-Christians know that. Likely, it's a product of philosophical naivety or it's a moral left over from the Christian era of yore. I say this because non-Christians can't produce a logical ground for forgiveness from their philosophy. Forgiveness can only be understood in the context of God's forgiveness for our sins and outside of that, it is the product of a weak mind. If there is no ultimate basis for forgiveness or even One who forgave first, then there is no basis for forgiveness. Those who do forgive without either of these things, have weak minds and need to be crushed underneath the feet of the strong. Nietzsche abhorred pity as a great evil. Ol' Frederic was on to something. Pity just messes with the natural order of things. The strong dominate and to forfeit that to "help" a lesser being is irrational. Christianity is the only true foundation for forgiveness because our God sacrificed His Son to reconcile us with Him. Other religions do not have a God who has stooped to humanity and attempts to reconcile them to Himself. Christianity is entirely unique in this aspect. It's sad that the one group of people with a true and living basis for forgiveness is viewed as unloving and unforgiving.
I briefly add that some of this "unloving" is based on the fact that people don't want us to tell them that their actions are wrong. Jesus says that people will hate us for his sake and that is what's happening there. However, we need to be able to discern between cases of a hatred of God's law and the failings of God's people at loving our neighbors.
Lastly, I'd like to briefly describe where this phrase REALLY comes from and what it means. When Jesus quotes the verse on the Sermon on the Mount, he's actually quoting the Torah and the laws on justice. An eye for an eye was applied in the context of justice in criminal courts. This law put restrictions on judges so that punishments would be fair in relation to the crime committed. I think that modern Americans would like that principle a lot. On a side note, it also applies to those who have committed perjury. The perjurer is convicted of the same punishment that he attempted to inflict on the accused. It's a shame that there is such a misconception of this passage. I feel like, if we could get the word out, this would be a very popular passage with Americans who want a fair justice system.

God Bless,

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Teaching English In Mongolia?

Part of my plan for college is to spend a semester or two studying abroad. That will give me an awesome chance to experience news things and have some awesome adventures. There are plenty of websites online that provide links to organizations offering overseas internships and studying. One I ran across was offering internships to go teach English in places like Nepal, Mongolia, Ghana, and many other places. Hmmm. Teaching English. I'm pretty sure I can do that. Looks like I found a skill of mine that is quite valuable to others. Anyways, I think that going on one of these trips would be the coolest thing. Not only would I be doing something useful but I would also be able to go experience some cool stuff! The program I'm most interested in is the one in Mongolia. Mongolia sounds so fantastic with it's quirkiness, vast open spaces, steppelands, yurts, yaks, and karaoke loving citizens. Truly an adventure! Maybe someday it will come to fruition. Who knows. For now it is simply a dream.

My post is short today because I need to work on memorizing the Formula of Chalcedon. And, on an even sadder note, the Baltimore Ravens lost to the Seahawks today. Very sad.

God Bless,

Saturday, November 12, 2011

I Like The Rainforest As Much As The Next Guy...

Yes, I like the rainforest JUST as much as you do Al Gore! Except, there's a key difference, Al. That difference is HOW I like the rainforest. You see, you, my friend, do not have a creator God who, in His benevolence, created a work of art and is actively sustaining it. You simply have a blind force governing an ecological system and that is being snuffed out! With every tree that is chopped down, a statistical miracle is wiped from the face of the earth and it's all man's fault! Believe me, Mr. Gore, I know exactly where you're coming from. I hope I've demonstrated that to you, but that's not the end. Now, it appears that your little apocalypse isn't as real as you thought it was. But oh no! That can't be! You simply have too much invested in this movement and there is just so much momentum behind it! What can it hurt? It's a good cause anyway right? No. Keep your grubby bureaucratic hands off of nature (and industry too. That's another story...) You're not satisfied with controlling people, now you have to control nature too. You see, your entire movement is a hoax but it's a profitable hoax. Yet, it has one more advantage. You have the advantage of false benevolence on your side. Surely, if I denounce you I am a hater of mankind, the earth, and puppies! Isn't that a lovely veil to hide behind? And hide behind it you have! The environmental deception has fooled far too many well meaning people. Yes, those hippies who make organic smoothies and tie themselves to trees genuinely care about the environment! They have a problem though. They have no logical basis for doing so. In the world they have created, a world without God, nature is simply the product of blind chance. This blind chance, being not so blind, is called Natural Selection. They don't understand that they are simply trying to save an obsolete machine! Natural Selection has decided nature needs to go. Make way for humans! The strongest survive, no? So stop fighting a dying cause. You can't fight Natural Selection. You are undertaking an impossible task.
Now, what if there was a God? Hypothetically, of course. Now, this God would probably create the world we see before us. Consider His handiwork. The vast and complex thing called "The Universe" clearly shows a sense of intelligence and wisdom, yes? This God who is there needs to uphold nature as well, because, clearly, nature needs a hand judging by how things are going. Well, now nature derives meaning not from itself, but from it's Creator. Nature, as a finite entity, cannot have worth in and of itself. It must derive it's worth from a higher power. Something outside of it. Perhaps it's creator? Yes. This is why I love nature. This is why I can look at the sky, the forest, the tallest creature, and the smallest insect, and yes, even the rainforest, and see value. Nature is precious not because of what it is, but because who made it and who is behind it. Nature is a mirror where God reflects his wisdom and creativity. The mirror is valuable because of the reflection that it contains. When I revel in the joys of a waterfall, I revel in the handiwork of God. That is why nature is important. THAT is why it is precious.

God Bless,

Thursday, November 10, 2011

What Ever Happened to Debtor's Prison?

On Sunday, I had a wonderful discussion with a smart friend of mine by the name of Colton. We were disagreeing about reform to the American Justice system. Now, I'm certainly no sadist, but I feel that our justice system isn't as harsh as it ought to be, especially when it comes to the death penalty. Those without a Christian foundation find this practice to be "cruel and barbaric." However, God specifically commanded Noah to execute murderers. This passage is blatantly clear about what it means. (Genesis 9:5-6) Before you object that this doesn't apply anymore, I would like you to refer to my very first post on this blog. There I explain the concept of each covenant being a greater revelation of the one before it. Certainly, the death penalty is neglected in our society. I like the idea of bringing the guillotine back instead of the electric chair and lethal injection. Certainly it's faster, cheaper, and less painful. If you look at it that way, it's in fact MORE humane!
Now, Colton's point of disagreement with me was my belief that we ought to reinstitute flogging into the American Justice system. I also add that this flogging ought to be public. That's half of the punishment right there! I have a couple points. First: judging by the Levitical Law, God considers flogging a pretty effective means of punishment. If God likes it, it's good enough for me! Second: Flogging has worked for ages. It's only now in our modern society that has a vehement contempt for law and punishment that flogging has come under attack for being "barbaric." Third: Public shame is a powerful punishment and is also a fantastic teaching tool. Colton rightly points out the foolishness of replacing prison with flogging. Indeed, prison has many benefits, however we ought to make room for public flogging. Flogging is effective and, sadly, it has received a bad reputation.
Colton has a valid point that flogging is traumatic. Yes, this is important to consider, but my question is, isn't that the point of punishment? The point of punishment is to hurt and teach. Flogging does both. Frankly, solitude like that experienced in prison sounds psychologically tormenting to me too! Neither incarceration nor flogging should be exalted above the other as Colton has correctly shown me. However, we should not neglect one for the other. They both have their places.
Also, what ever happened to debtor's prison? Victorian England had a system that helped deal with debt, but of course, we don't have a problem with that in America now do we? (Can you feel the sarcasm dripping from that sentence? It's a juicy steak of sarcasm.) Now, there was one fault with the Victorian system of debtor's prison. When you're in prison, it's hard to work off your debt now isn't it? Here is my vision. We create a debtor's prison system along the lines of an actual prison. Here's the difference: when you are entered into debtor's prison, the company (did I mention these are private institutions?) that runs the debtor's prison will front the money to pay off your debt. Bam. It's gone. Now, you are entered into the debtor's prison where you are provided shelter and food while you work off your debt to the company. They will employ you in various activities or in their factories and you will pay off your debt. When you pay it off, you're a free man! Admittedly, there is room for abuse in this system (unlike every other system in this world :P) Steps will need to be taken to prevent this, but I think that it sounds like a viable system! Let me know your thoughts and improvements because I'm always looking for ways to make it better!

Sorry about not posting yesterday. I was hanging out with a great friend of mine by the name of Dave. He is a great mentor to me and we love to talk to theology. Thanks for reading!

God Bless,

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Is Anarchy Too Strong of a Word?

Yes, it is. However, I got your attention correct? Welcome to the art of crafting a good headline. (Pay attention Fox News. This may help your boring broadcasts in the future.)

I have been posed the question of "What are you thoughts on the American government?" Honestly, there is not a more loaded question in existence. Thinking a comment to be an inadequate space for my response, I chose to answer it today. This is my humble attempt.

The American government is, quite frankly, the biggest mess I've ever seen. I honestly don't see that mess being cleaned up anytime soon either. Even the "good guys" are so entrenched in bureaucracy and self-interest, that intelligent ideas can hardly permeate our government's powerful shell. There are so many levels of our government's problem that it's not like cleaning house, it's more like every deep sea oil tanker in the world dumping it's contents into the ocean. With problems this pervasive, a simple and quick fix is not in sight. I want to be crystal clear. Our country is embracing socialism in drastic ways, abandoning the Law of God, and is in unheard of amounts of debt. Solutions are simply not being pursued and politics has devolved to "You godless heathen!, "You racists!", "You pot smoking hippies!", and "You religious radicals!" It's like our country is run by elementary age children. Honestly, it's THAT bad.

Also, I want to explain my opinion on Barack Obama. I may be lynched for this, but I don't hate the man. Yes! Honest to goodness! Barack Obama is many things but evil is not one of them. Our President happens to be a charismatic and articulate man. I am appalled at how the Tea Partiers treat our president! God commands us to respect our government and that is simply not happening. He is not the Devil's pawn on earth. He's simply a charismatic man who has things wrong. All the legislation and policies he pushes for? They're all logical outcomes of his philosophy. We need to understand where he is coming from. In short, I respect my president and choose to politely disagree with him.

Contrary to the belief of the Tea Party (who I refuse to be a part of), Barack Obama is NOT the major source of our problems. Indeed, the final source of our problems is not even Congress (though they contribute heavily). Our problem is this: The citizens of the United States of America.
The State does not exist within a vacuum. The people of this country and their mindset defines the State. No matter how much the State would wish to believe otherwise, the people of a country define their State. The attitude of our country as a whole towards the current issues is uneducated and flat out wrong. The banks are big and evil, thus more regulation. People want more jobs, so they get angry when the government isn't bailing people out. Then they get angry if the bailouts don't work! They're angry about the fact that we are at war by the simply principle that is IS war.
This is the attitude that pervades our politics. Politicians are in the business of tickling people's ears and this is what they want to hear. More bailouts, more money, more benefits, and more regulation! The government bows to the whim of the people. We have the Bush Era and then in a matter of about a year, we get Barack Obama. The country's mindset is fickle! This fickle do-what-is-best-for-me-right-now attitude permeates the current political landscape. The Tea Party Patriots are simply a reaction to this continued unproductive and petty system that sits on Capital Hill. The Tea Party (whose love of American I do not doubt), is not tilting at windmills per se for the windmills are indeed real, but they are accomplishing the same end. In essence, they are accomplishing the same thing because they are battling man's innate nature. I take a pessimistic view of the State and Politics because of my understanding of human nature. Humans will always pick the selfish, the easy, and the popular. It is his sinful nature to do so. So, ultimately, The State will simply experience greater entropy. No amount of reform with ever redeem it. For me, the way to change the State is to change the people. We must connect with human beings on a personal level because they will define their government. If individuals are touched by the Gospel and their concept of reality changes, this will naturally work itself into the State. Instead of legislating morality, how about God writes it on their hearts?

This is a jumble of ideas that still need to be developed further and it in no way encompasses all my views of the big picture of individual policies. I just hope you found it interesting. I also hope that this partially answers your question Josiah. Thanks for asking and feel free to ask more questions because I will gladly answer them with a mass of text!

God Bless,

Say No To Oxygen!

The cause of oxygen addiction has recently come to my attention. My friend Josiah came to me to confess his addiction to this horrid substance. I had to admit that I struggled with this problem as well so we were able to talk things over. After pleading on Josiah's part, we finally agreed to go into a rehab facility. Today, I am completely oxygen free and I've been that way for 3 months. Josiah has been just as successful as I have. Now, I want to reach out to others with the same problem. Together we CAN conquer this menace. Join the fight today against oxygen and it's addictive powers!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Lead America? It's Tempting... I'll pass.

Lead America? Yeah, it's some organization that sent me a very official looking letter today. They're trying to get me to come to one of their high school conferences that give you a taste of college and teach you valuable skills. The one they have invited me to attend is the one about Law and Trial. Wow! The inner debater thirsts! It sounds like a lot of fun. One program takes place at New York Film Institute and you learn about media and another one takes place in Washington DC and you learn about politics. All these programs sound genuinely fun. The price tag certainly isn't pretty, but that is beside the point. I'm honored to be invited to attend, although I wonder how special I really am and how many high schoolers get these letters. :P Did I mention the Law & Trial Conference takes place at Stanford? You say "what?!" and I say "Yes!" Did you like that little exchange there? It was fun. Anyways, this seems like a really interesting opportunity and I'll have to mull it over, but in all practicality, it's likely not happening. Not that it doesn't sound fun or beneficial, but other factors will probably manage to find a way to obstruct it, and, honestly, I'd rather be camping.

God Bless,

P.S. Listening to Woe of Tyrants! It doesn't get anymore epic than that!

P.P.S I really hope this doesn't sound lazy and apathetic because after reading this, it kind of does. Please don't take it the wrong way. It's certainly an honor, it just doesn't seem like something I want to do. Maybe I'm just being irrational and stupid. That's probably it.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Coexist Stickers and I Cannot Coexist

*Rant engaged*

I can't stand coexist stickers! You know, those little stickers you see everywhere on cars of self righteous people who think they're more progressive than close minded religious people? Those stickers betray such a lack of understanding for the nature of religion and a lot of naivety! Of course, their definition of "coexist" is leave me alone and don't make any moral judgements. Coexist stickers are the progressive and peace loving veils that these people hide their hedonism behind. They don't understand that "coexisting" in the sense that they understand it is simply an impossibility! The point of a religion is an organized system of thought about the fundamental properties of the universe. This implies exclusivity! There is no, "Yeah, I'm a Hindu but I borrow some ideas from Mormonism." Hindus believe that Mormons are wrong. Mormons believe Hindus are wrong. There is no "many paths to one god" about it. The very nature of religion draws sharp divisions between other schools of thought. You cannot compromise and live consistently with what you believe. That simply does not work.
A healthy dose of naivety is also needed to swallow this philosophical pill. Clearly, history has shown time and time again that this simply does not work. Humans, left to their own devices, will not choice peace over war. Until no division exists, then there will be no peace. Peace is impossible. The day when there will be no division is the day when our Lord casts His enemies into the Lake of Fire and His people live happily in the New Heaven and New Earth. Then, and only then, will their be peace. This peace will be eternal. True peace can only flow from God our Father. There is no peace in "not judging" (aka, no morals) or "not forcing your religion on me." This is just the sinful heart's way of thinly disguising it's selfish intentions in a facade of love. So, next time you see a Coexist sticker, ask yourself, what do they REALLY mean when they say those words? I guarantee it's not the perfect peace that proceeds from our Lord.

God Bless,

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Happy Guy Fawkes Day!

Yes, Happy Guy Fawkes Day! Today we celebrate the man who attempted to blow up the house of parliament. It's said that he's the only man to ever enter the House of Parliament with honest intentions. lol Politicians are not well liked by human beings... In England, effigies of Guy Fawkes were burned. Eventually, they did look like anyone in particular thus we get the phrase today "guy" being random male. Fun huh?

What do you think of when you hear Dairy Science? I don't even know what I think of. Once again, I was looking at colleges and one college had a program for Dairy Management. I thought, woah! that's so cool! So I clicked on the link and from there I began to explore the world of Dairy Science. Now THAT is cool stuff! Studying the bacteria, genetics, and production of dairy products. Honestly, it sound silly at first glance, but the more I read, the more interested I became. There is a lot of cool biotechnology being utilized in the Dairy Industry and it's a pretty steady career! All in all, an evening well spent, and another complication to my decision of what I want to do with my life.

Sorry about not posting yesterday. The reason was two-fold. The first reason was that I didn't get home until almost 7 because I was at a football game and then I went to the grocery store. The second is reason is that I really didn't have anything interesting to say. So, you should thank me for not wasting your time with a useless post. You're welcome.

God Bless,

P.S. Spent the morning eating muffins and watching History Channel!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Occupy Racism

Ever heard of Steven Crowder? You really should have. He's a solid Conservative commentator that I have followed for years now. He's also a hilarious comedian and actor. His videos used to be a lot more comedy oriented but also made many great points. I'd suggest going and looking at his older videos on his YouTube page. Recently, he made a video called Occupy Racism -

So, here it is. I am posting a link to a page full of links to videos on youtube of Occupy Wall Street members committing acts of racism and hate.

I am tired of being called a racist for disagreeing with Obama! It's a smokescreen for a lack of any real arguments. It's very frustrating! Oh well, I expect nothing less from liberals...

God Bless,

University of Vermont is for rich liberals!

For those of you who know we, I really have a thing for Vermont. Frankly, I can't explain it. Vermont is a beautiful state with Lake Champlain, forest, and a close proximity to Canada. Maybe it's the uniqueness of it. Vermonters have always been off the beaten path and very individualistic. It might just be the fact that it sounds cool! In any case, I was college shopping last night and I decided to check out The University of Vermont. Their website was professional, the courses all sounded very interesting, and the campus had a beautiful view of Lake Champlain! However, I needed to do some more research so I headed over (isn't that the creepiest name for a website ever?) to check out what people are saying about it. Here is what i got out of the hundred something posts:
1. There is a lot of partying.
2. There is a lot of weed.
3. It's cold.
4. It's really expensive.
Upon a further inspection of the prices, I was flabbergasted to see the letters $47,000 staring me in the face. WHAT?! Yep, you heard me right. Tuition and living expenses total $47,000 a year. From what I had read, they were pretty stingy about financial aid. There is no way this was happening. So I began to wonder who it was that was going to this college. Of course. The weed, the partying, and the exorbitant prices all mean one thing. Rich liberals. It really is shame because it seems like a very good institution. New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology is sounding better and better as I go shopping around at other institutions!
My day was rather uneventful, however, my good friend Josiah showed me "The Cotton Patch Bible." Wow! THAT is some fun right there. The Cotton Patch Bible is (I believe) a respectful parody of the Bible where the authors attempts to translate the gospels of Matthew and John into a setting in the South. It's even written in a southern dialect. Obviously, this isn't the Word of God, but it is a very good source of entertainment as well a very original idea! I highly suggest reading a few chapters. I guarantee it will put a smile on your face!
God Bless,
P.S. I remember another reason I like Vermont! It's because of the Green Mountain Boys lead by Ethan Allen who took Fort Ticonderoga. THEY are cool dudes!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Practicality of Sermons

An interesting question came up in Bible class on Tuesday and it's been kind of mulling itself over in my mind. "If you wanted to become a general in the military, what would you need to do academics wise?" Of course, the list grows as one thinks hard. Military History, Engineering, Language, Psychology, Business and people skills, and geography and yet these things don't seem to pertain directly to leading a bunch of men in a campaign. That's the problem. Seeing connections between big picture ideas or foundational ideas is sometimes hard. However, if you train with a gun and play Modern Warfare, you're setting yourself up for a failure. You're training to be a soldier and not a general. You're only serving to hinder your ultimate goal because there is a dichotomy between the two.
This is a fantastic analogy for preaching. You've likely heard the phrase, "I want more practical preaching." To me, this just means, tell me what to do. It's almost like the Bible is a cosmic instruction manual that needs to be tapped into. Give me answers to Christian ways to run my finances and Christian ways to parents. Certainly these are good, but these acts are illogical without the proper foundation. It's like rubbing a rabbit's foot in hope that God will bless your finances because you did it the Christian way. This is not a proper way to interpret Scripture. God has given His people a framework and we must live and act within that framework. Of course, false preachers would happily tell you what to do, but a good preacher can preach God's basic framework but also make practical connections. Practical connections are certainly to be made because a lot of connections are not immediately clear, however there must be a foundation upon which the connections are made. It's the big picture of foundational ideas those asking for "practical sermons" are objecting to. Really, it's the American mindset of immediate gratification that objects to ideas that may not immediately make sense or provide easy answers. Just like merely training with a gun or playing Modern Warfare, this is setting us up for failure because a Christian acts and lives a certain way but has no real logical basis for doing so. He is ill-equipped to defend or understand his faith. Ultimately, this is a stumbling block and is inconsistent. In short, practical sermons need to mean providing valuable foundational work and making connections as opposed to "tell me what to do."
I end with the simple disclaimer that this in no way categorizes every single person who says "I want practical sermons." I'm sure there are godly people who desire practical sermons in the sense that I describe them. However, I feel that what I have outlined here is not the prevailing and underlying thought behind that common cliche.

God Bless,

P.S. I'm almost finished reading "The God Who is There" by Francis Schaeffer. I highly recommend it! First, a suggestion. You should read "How Should We Then Live?" first so as to understand his view of philosophers through the ages and understand to a better degree the references he makes throughout the book.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Jesus is on Wikipedia!

An interesting experiment to try is to wikipedia Jesus Christ. Frankly, I was pleasantly surprised. The Christian view of Christ was very well articulated and biblically stated. Another thing I enjoyed was how the article appeared to have a low view of those who view denied his very existence. They politely said that they were a minority that rarely swayed large numbers as well as that idea being relatively modern. Personally, I enjoyed this very well written and critical article. Perhaps we now must wikipedia other key tenants of the faith?

God Bless,

The Backpack and The Wilderness

One thing that I absolutely love to do is go backpacking. Yes, there's camping but then there's backpacking. Backpacking is man camping! There is nothing more manly than surviving out of a backpack in the wilderness. Sadly, I simply can't do it as often as I wish. Summer is the perfect time for camping, but Spring is great too! This lead me to my brilliant epiphany! Why not organize a high school guys backpacking trip? I asked my teacher Mr. French if he would lead it and he said he would love to! Next comes the research. I need to find an awesome trail to backpack. Then I need to get the guys stoked for it. I feel this is going to be the hardest part considering how much work backpacking is. Hopefully there won't be any problems with "walking", "working", or "carrying a backpack." Tis too often a hinderance. Backpacking is just too fun to pass up! I'm praying this will all come together...

Today I got a copy of God and Government Vol. 1 by Gary DeMar. I will need it for my class "God and Government" (didn't see that coming, eh?) in my senior year. Book collecting is not only a super fun and awesome hobby, but it's also very convenient! Anyways, tomorrow is bass lessons, so I got to go practice!

God Bless,