Tuesday, February 21, 2012

We're Not Worthless Machines? What a Relief!

Genesis 1:27 "So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them."

Earlier, God said "let us make man in our image, after our likeness." After this, He proceeds to set man in dominion over the animals. Because man is made in his Lord's likeness, there are certain things that are true about him. (1. Man has a will and volition that is coupled with intelligence and self-awareness. This is something that is true about God that cannot be said of the animals. (2. Man has dominion over the earth. The Lord gives him this in Gen. 1:26 and in the Noahic covenant. (3. Man makes moral judgements. We see this in the Fall and men have been doing since the beginning of time. Animals have no concept of morals. (4. Man has inherent value. The last one is the most pivotal of all. If man is made in the image of the Lord, killing a man is an act of rebellion against God. No, you didn't kill God, but if someone set fire to your image and jumped up and down on it, what do you think their opinion of you is? But also, man himself has inherent value. Amazingly enough, the deist Thomas Jefferson got it right when he said that man is endowed by his God with certain unalienable rights. This means that the value God created man with demands certain responses. This means a respect and love of human life.
This the true foundation for what the world calls "human rights." If man is simply an advanced animal, he has no rights. Random chemicals interacting don't have any inherent worth. That's all the human being is under an evolutionary system. There are no human rights! The universe owes us nothing. Man is worthless. Human rights have to be founded on an absolute. Evolutionists don't have this foundation and are simply stealing the idea from Christians. The logical end of atheism is Stalin' communist regime and Hitler's dictatorship. No truth, no rights, no morals. Nothing.

I'd also like to briefly note that Evolution fueled one of the things that atheists detest most. Slavery? Yes, it existed before evolution, but there was a difference. It was simply a social system. With evolution, it was more. In an evolutionary system, blacks are inferior to whites. The white man had the duty to subjugate and "tame" the lesser animal. This concept was the product of evolutionary thinking. After all, man's just an animal, right?

God Bless,

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