Monday, February 20, 2012

In God I Trust

Well, today is President's Day. I hope that you felt blessed today. Yes, it's a minor holiday, but it's also a much needed break from work and school.

As we commemorate our presidents, I can't help but contemplate what our earliest presidents would think of the world we live in. George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Q. Adams, and Andrew Jackson composed the first 48 years of our country. If they were magically transported to our time, what would they think of our president? What would they think of our laws? What would they think of our culture? What would they think of our media? The thing that saddens me the most is that I think they would be filled with sorrow. However, I don't think they would be surprised. They knew that men were depraved.
America's decline is slow but steady. I don't see that changing. Only in God's grace are we preserved. I envision the mighty towers of our land crashing into the sea and the American flag slowly descending into the abyss, but God is still here with us. God is not in a government. God is not in a Constitution. The amazing thing is that America and the Constitution have been an incredible means whereby God has blessed His people and the earth. But it was only a means. I apologize for being vulgar, but God has no sacred cows. In His grand plan, America is another blade of soft sea grass. God has artfully manipulated the machinations of sinful man throughout history. Despite the people's blindness, the Lord will remain faithful and bring His plan to fruition. In the Old Testament, we see how weak the Israelites were. Yet, who are we to judge? We are even greater offenders!
The image that I described earlier may be terrifying. But, I find peace in it. Those towers are worthless. They will all be ground to dust. My Lord will not. There is nothing the liberals can do about it. No law Mr. Obama wants to pass can ever come close to separating me from my God. The liberal media can rage, but the Lord looks down from heaven and laughs. He laughs! He thinks they're a joke! Why do we tremble? Why do we get up in arms? They're throwing ping pong balls at our bank vault. God be praised. So to every statist, liberal, Mr. Obama, communist, and "social activist" I say, "Go ahead. Go right ahead. Take away my 'rights'! Burn the Constitution. Take God out of our pledge. Remove prayer from the schools. The price will be visited upon your head sevenfold. You will give the Lord an account of what you did. Nothing you do can ever take Him by surprise. You place your hope in the state and I pity you for it. Your savior is weak and fickle. Mine is strong and faithful. I pray God saves you from your delusion."

God bless America. We need it.


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