You've probably met this person before. They're the intellectual. The seeker. The one that calls himself "open minded." There's that phrase! "Why can't you Christians be more open minded?" "I don't judge. I'm a very open minded individual." I see. So basically, no commitments. Is that it? Yep, that's pretty much it. You see, no matter how impressive it sounds when someone says that they're searching for truth and that they have an open mind, it's simply a lie. No human being has an open mind. That's a fact. Everyone brings their own worldview and experiences to a question of truth. More importantly, everyone brings sin. This is the blinding factor. No matter how many coats of paint you give a tomb, it's still a tomb. What I'm trying to get across is that no human being is objective. You can delude yourself into believing you are, but you're not. And isn't it funny how being "objective" always leads to a rejection of Christianity? That's because it's not true objectivity. True objectivity never fails to brings us to Christ! In that moment when God quickens our dead soul, our eyes are blessed with true objectivity. Without variance, we choose Christ! It's like this. Picture a man who is bound by chains and cast into the ocean. If his chains were removed, were would he go? Towards life! This is man. Man is bound by sin. He's up a creek without a paddle. God removes our bonds and in that moment, man truly has an objective choice. Of course, he chooses to live! But men who have not been freed are trying to act like they have a chance at life when they don't have squat! Open mindedness is such a lovely delusion isn't it?Have you ever noticed how people use the phrase "open minded?"It's always to describe themselves. It makes them feel better. They don't judge gays. They let women kill their children. They're pretty pious. But, ugh! Those narrow minded Christians with their rules and absolutes! Why can't they just get along with others? Open minded means "I have no morals/absolutes to judge the universe with. I'm so loving to others!" As a Christian, God has revealed the true nature of reality. God has also bound man by morals. This is absolute. There's no two ways about it! It's not absolute unless you feel otherwise. People who break God's law or deny the reality He created are wrong. It's as simple as that. There's no "Oh, it's true for them." That's absurd! Frankly, if open minded means "no absolutes" then I'm proud to be narrow minded! When you open your mind too far, anything can find its way in. Anything.
God Bless,
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