Saturday, October 29, 2011

Lazy Saturday

Yeah, today is a lazy saturday. So far, it's gone well in comparison to it's beginning. I woke up this morning in complete disorientation with a million disconnected phrases running through my head. Ever experience that? It's... interesting. Fried eggs and toast, made by me, made for a most delicious beginning to my day. I then proceeded to flop down in front of the TV until about 10. Yeah, I'm pretty lazy, but it IS Saturday. There is a Halloween party I'm going to tonight so I had to spent the morning getting my costume together. As I write this, I have just finished getting it together after a brief visit to the Spirit and am microwaving lunch. Don't you wish you were me? :P anyways, have an awesome Saturday. btw, I am super impatient for my books to arrive. I've got The Good Old Days- They Were Terrible!, What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew, Biblical Theology by Geerhardus Vos, and Orthodoxy by G.K. Chesterton coming in the mail. Why can't they come faster! Curse you eternally snail mail...

God Bless,

P.S. Have an awesome Saturday and if you're going to a party, cool, and if you're not, then I know how you feel and I feel your pain.

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