My point is this: liberalism is the champion of these ideals. Whereas, conservative ideals preserve the dignity of man, freedom, and government's proper role. To claim that one is a Christian and yet vote for someone who is liberal is absolutely inconsistent. That's like being a vegan and voting for a butcher. Liberalism is absolutely dead-set on dethroning God and crowning the state. Many liberals don't even know that. They think they're helping the poor. Yes, that's admirable. But ultimately, you're just slowly handing over your freedom so that they can be your new king and savior. That's what the State wants to do. They don't want their people to have freedom! That means LESS power for them. Why would they want that? Hand them all of yourself. They won't stop until they've got your heart, mind, and allegiance. That's exactly what Christ requires. So, I pose this question to you, "Who do you choose? Who's it gonna be? Christ or the State?" That's what it all comes down to. That's what is at stake. It's a lot more than "I want guns." The real issue is "I want Christ to be my King. Not the state."
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
How to Be Consistent in Christian Thought
My point is this: liberalism is the champion of these ideals. Whereas, conservative ideals preserve the dignity of man, freedom, and government's proper role. To claim that one is a Christian and yet vote for someone who is liberal is absolutely inconsistent. That's like being a vegan and voting for a butcher. Liberalism is absolutely dead-set on dethroning God and crowning the state. Many liberals don't even know that. They think they're helping the poor. Yes, that's admirable. But ultimately, you're just slowly handing over your freedom so that they can be your new king and savior. That's what the State wants to do. They don't want their people to have freedom! That means LESS power for them. Why would they want that? Hand them all of yourself. They won't stop until they've got your heart, mind, and allegiance. That's exactly what Christ requires. So, I pose this question to you, "Who do you choose? Who's it gonna be? Christ or the State?" That's what it all comes down to. That's what is at stake. It's a lot more than "I want guns." The real issue is "I want Christ to be my King. Not the state."
Monday, March 19, 2012
Don't Hate The Lorax
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
All of a Sudden It's Ok To Trash Other People's Religion?
Dear Fellow American,
Last fall, a Muslim attacked a Pennsylvania man name Ernest Perce who had dressed up like Mohammed for a Halloween parade. The attack was caught on film, witnessed by dozens of parade watchers, and verified by a policeman.
The Muslim was charged. But when he was brought before Cumberland County Judge Mark Martin, the judge dismissed the assault charges against the Muslim and dressed down the Pennsylvania man for being insensitive to the Muslim religion. Not only did Martin rule in favor of the Muslim attacker, he lectured Ernest Perce for insulting Islam: "Islam is not just a religion, it's their culture. It's their very essence their very being... And what you've done is, you've complete trashed their essence, their being. They find it very, very, very offensive. I find it offensive."
Guess what—I'm offended too, but for an entirely different reason. This Sharia law sympathy is part of a pattern. We have identified similar cases in at least 20 states where a full-scale campaign has been launched by American Muslim organizations seeking to push Sharia law ahead of constitutional law."
Is this a joke? Since when is it ok to trash other people's religion? I have to agree with the comments that the judge made. They were spot on. People don't understand how religion affects people. Your religion is the foundation whereby you understand reality. It's your most core beliefs. That's not a joke! And for that man to dress up as Muhammed for Halloween is just flat out being a jerk. Admittedly, the muslim's response is definitely not legal, but we can also understand where he's coming from. I mean, I know I would not be happy if someone dressed up as Jesus for Halloween. Not to the point of assaulting them, but I would at least see it as rude and tasteless. The judge should have punished the muslim man, but I believe his sentence should probably have been reduced from a typical assault charge. In justice, circumstances should always be considered.
I don't like the email's attitude. I feel that it's rather widespread in the conservative community. Possibly I'm wrong, but I encounter it frequently. We abuse other people's beliefs and then get defensive when they get offended (heaven forbid!). Just because someone is wrong doesn't give you the right to be mean to them. I know I personally struggle with this. I am the kind of person who has strong opinions. Many times, I have a hard time respecting those who disagree with me. However, as someone who struggles with this sin, I feel I am in a better condition to pinpoint it when I see it. It takes one to know one, I guess. Anyways, to antagonize those of other religions is definitely not loving. As Christians, we are called to love our neighbors. How do you think our pagan friends view us when we treat their beliefs with contempt? The point is, this man should not have been dressing up as the spiritual leader of a religion. Especially considering how clear the muslims have made it that this is a big deal for them. The stories of journalists being threatened for joking about Muhammed are numerous. Why then would someone go and impersonate him? Does he have a deathwish?
Don't make fun of people's religions. It's called being a jerk. Plus, they get offended.
Sharia Law is NOT taking root in America anytime soon.
Dressing up as Muhammed will likely end badly for you.
God Bless,